UPR 5301

Glyco@Alps Scientific Day 2023

We are pleased to invite you to the glycoscience day on Friday 13 October 2023 at the MACI (339 av centrale, 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères). The day will provide an opportunity to meet up and present results from the different workpackage of the CDP Glyco@Alps During this event, we invite you to share a poster. […]

Ons Dakhlaoui thesis defense on September 07th, 2023

The thesis, entitled “Improving selective DNP (SelDNP) for biomolecular applications”, was funded by the Labex ARCANE and co-directed by Sabine Hediger (MEM – CEA) and Anne Imberty (CERMAV) with the respective contributions of Gaël de Paëpe and Annabelle Varrot.

Antoine DESIGAUX’s thesis defense on June 27th, 2023

Antoine DESIGAUX completed his thesis at Cermav under the co-supervision of Laurent HEUX (CNRS Research Director) and Sonia MOLINA – BOISSEAU (Université Grenoble Alpes Senior lecturer). It is entitled « Development as well as mechanical and structural characterization of an anisotropic elastomer reinforced by cellulose microfibrils. ».

Deciphering GAGs: a new way of sequencing polysaccharides

Les variations du courant mesurées à travers une membrane lors du passage d’une biomolécule à travers le nanopore protéique s’avère être une méthode puissante de séquençage de polysaccharides de structure complexe. Elle permet d’en déterminer la taille, la nature et l’enchaînement des briques constitutives et leur degré de fonctionnalisation. © Régis Daniel

In this publication involving Bernard Priem, Lecturer at the University of Grenoble Alpes, the authors propose an effective and robust approach based on passage through protein nanopores, to decipher the structure of complex bioactive polysaccharides, GAGs. Click on the title for more information.

Malgorzata Sulewska thesis defense on January 13th, 2023

Malgorzata Sulewska completed her thesis at Cermav under the co-direction of Bernard Priem (Grenoble Alpes University) and Rita Gerardy-Schahn (Hannover Medical School). It is entitled “Biosynthesis, Depolymerization, Detection, and Analysis of Glycosaminoglycans with a Focus on Heparosan”.

François Bru thesis defense on January 20th, 2023

François Bru completed his thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Laurent Heux, CNRS Research Director, entitled “Hydrophobization of 100% cellulosic materials for single-use packaging”. He focuses on hydrophobization of cellulosic materials. Click on the title for more information.

Hijacking the Peptidoglycan Recycling Pathway of Escherichia coli to Produce Muropeptides

Rousseau et al

Muropeptides are short peptidoglycan fragments released from the cell wall of bacteria as part of their metabolism or as a result of biological stresses, in which they play a major role in the induction of antibiotic resistance. In order to better understand these processes, we developed a new synthetic approach which combines synthetic biology and glycochemistry to prepare Gram (–) and Gram (+) muropeptides. Click on the title for more information.

Hong LI thesis defense on December 06th, 2022

Hong LI completed his thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Redouane Borsali, CNRS Research Director. it is entitled “Self-assembly of carbohydrate-based brush-like block copolymers: colored biomaterials and photonic crystals”. Click on the title for more information.

Shun Yao thesis defense on November 16th, 2022

Shun Yao completed his thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Sami Halila, CNRS researcher. It is entitled “Syntheses, properties and applications of glyco-hydrogelators”. Click on the title for more information.

Simon Coninx thesis defense on October 24th, 2022

Simon Coninx completed his thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Rachel Auzely, Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes. It is entitled “Nanogels based on boron-rich glycosaminoglycans for the multi-modal treatment of cancer”. Click on the title for more information.

Multifaceted Computational Modeling In Glycoscience

This review comprehensively presents all the numerical simulation methods to cover the different levels of structural organization of complex glycans and polysaccharides and the range of their interactions with proteins. Click on the title for more information.

Dylan Jabeguero thesis defense on June 30th, 2022

Dylan Jabeguero completed his thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Christelle BRETON (Professor at University Grenoble Alpes). It is entitled “Engineering and applications of glycosyltransferases for synthetic glycobiology: Two galactosyltransferases, MGD1 and LgtC, as case studies”. Click on the title for more information.