UPR 5301

bandeau cermav


Toward innovation

One of the major current challenges in polymer science is the design of new materials from renewable natural resources derived from biomass. Cellulose, for example, is the most abundant natural polymer on earth (its production by plants is estimated at 50 to 100 billion tonnes per year) and is an endless source of raw material. Its derivatives are used in many industries: food, cosmetics, textiles or packaging. These materials are intended to replace toxic or non-biodegradable products derived from fossil resources, while offering equivalent properties (mechanical, thermal, optical, etc.). Biopolymers, and more particularly polysaccharides, have therefore emerged as very attractive natural components of these materials of the future.

The other fields of glycosciences are important areas of innovation as well, and Cermav has been able to both develop processes for the manufacture of biologically active oligosaccharides and polysaccharides and to join forces with companies that have developed applications in the field of agronomy and health.

On this very productive area, some companies have been created from the research work of CNRS researchers in the laboratory: Elicityl (in the field of biologically active sugars), BT3 Technologies and Funcell in that of biobased materials.