UPR 5301

Antoine DESIGAUX’s thesis defense on June 27th, 2023

Antoine DESIGAUX completed his thesis at Cermav under the co-supervision of Laurent HEUX (CNRS Research Director) and Sonia MOLINA – BOISSEAU (Université Grenoble Alpes Senior lecturer). It is entitled « Development as well as mechanical and structural characterization of an anisotropic elastomer reinforced by cellulose microfibrils. ».

Simon Coninx thesis defense on October 24th, 2022

Simon Coninx completed his thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Rachel Auzely, Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes. It is entitled “Nanogels based on boron-rich glycosaminoglycans for the multi-modal treatment of cancer”. Click on the title for more information.

Multifaceted Computational Modeling In Glycoscience

This review comprehensively presents all the numerical simulation methods to cover the different levels of structural organization of complex glycans and polysaccharides and the range of their interactions with proteins. Click on the title for more information.

Dylan Jabeguero thesis defense on June 30th, 2022

Dylan Jabeguero completed his thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Christelle BRETON (Professor at University Grenoble Alpes). It is entitled “Engineering and applications of glycosyltransferases for synthetic glycobiology: Two galactosyltransferases, MGD1 and LgtC, as case studies”. Click on the title for more information.

Simona Notova thesis defense on June 29th, 2022

Simona Notova completed her thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Anne Imberty (CNRS Research Director). It is entitled “Engineering of neo-lectins and Janus lectins”. Click on the title for more information.

Maeva Touzard thesis defense on May 24th, 2022

Maeva Touzard completed her thesis at Cermav under the supervision of Laurent Heux (CNRS Research Director). It is entitled “Biomimetic materials of the plant cell wall and enzymatic modifications”. Click on the title for more information.

Sami Halila wins The Cosmetic Victories Academic Award!

The Cosmetic Victories

The Carbogels project is managed by Sami Halila (CNRS researcher) at Cermav, and led to patent application for a new class of organogelator with adjustable rheological properties for cosmetics and dermopharmacy. Click on the title for more information.

Crystal and molecular structure of V-amylose complexed with butan-1-ol

By combining a systematic approach of energy relaxation and molecular modeling with structural refinement from diffraction data, we have determined the molecular and crystal structure of the complex of amylose with butan-1-ol, validating the geometrical model proposed by William Helbert and Henri Chanzy in 1994. Click on the title for more information.