UPR 5301

Multifunctionalization of cellulose microfibrils through a cascade pathway entailing the sustainable Passerini multi-component reaction

As a follow-up of the Julien Leguy’s PhD work (at Cermav) and in collaboration with the Polymer Materials Engineering laboratory (IMP) – Joint Research Unit n ° 5223 – CNRS – Université de Lyon – INSA LYON, we have published in the Green Chemistry journal a proof of concept of the advanced dual chemical functionalization of cellulose microfibrils through an eco-responsible route.

Fangbo Lin’ s thesis defense on November 10th, 2020

This thesis is entitled “Regioselective modification of cellulose nanocrystals: synthesis, assemblies and functional properties” is co-supervised by M. Bruno JEAN (CNRS researcher and team leader at CERMAV).

Claire Desfrancois’ thesis defense on November 6th, 2020

This thesis is entitled “Design, synthesis and characterization of hydrogels with high compressive strength for the sustainable delivery of hydrophobic drugs”, and is co-supervised by both Ms. Rachel Auzély-Velty (Professor at the University of Grenoble Alpes and team leader at CERMAV) and Ms. Isabelle Texier-Nogues, Research Engineer at CEA Leti-L2CB.