Sami Halila wins The Cosmetic Victories Academic Award!
The Carbogels project is managed by Sami Halila (CNRS researcher) at Cermav, and led to patent application for a new class of organogelator with adjustable rheological properties for cosmetics and dermopharmacy. Click on the title for more information.
Topological defects in polycrystalline hexosomes from β-cyclodextrin fatty esters
Dislocations and tilt grain boundaries have been observed in colloidal polycrystalline hexosomes of amphiphilic β‑cyclodextrins acylated with C14 chains, and described using the concepts of coincidence site lattice and structural units. Click on the title for more information.
Crystal and molecular structure of V-amylose complexed with butan-1-ol
By combining a systematic approach of energy relaxation and molecular modeling with structural refinement from diffraction data, we have determined the molecular and crystal structure of the complex of amylose with butan-1-ol, validating the geometrical model proposed by William Helbert and Henri Chanzy in 1994. Click on the title for more information.