UPR 5301

Electronic Microscopy
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Electronic Microscopy

The scanning and transmission electron microscopes are integrated into the Electronic MIcroscopy Platform (PMIEL) of the joint Chemistry-NanoBio technological platform of the Molecular Chemistry Institute of Grenoble (PCN-ICMG).

Access to the microscopy platform (PMIEL)

The platform offers a panel of multi-scale analyzes focused on:

  • the morphological and structural study of polysaccharides, glyco-objects, natural or synthetic polymers, and colloids;
  • the study of the organization of living matter: cellular ultrastructure, plant fibres, imaging of the saccharide components of organelles, plant walls and the extracellular matrix.

The platform is equipped with two electron microscopes, transmission (conventional imaging, low dose, cryomicroscopy, electron diffraction) and scanning (high vacuum, variable pressure, “environmental” mode) as well as various equipment dedicated to sample preparation .

The characteristics of this different equipment are available on the site: https://icmg.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/plateformes/pmiel-microscopie-electronique


Electronic Microscopy
Electronic Microscopy
JEOL JEM 2100 Plus 200 kV