UPR 5301

Claire REN is awarded the “Best Oral Presentation” Prize at JEPO 2024

Claire REN, PhD student in CERMAV, was awarded the Best Oral Presentation Prize during the “Journées d’Etudes des Polymères” (JEPO) that took place from 7th-11th October 2024 in Autrans, France.

Claire REN presented her work on the “Design of Biocompatible and Shape-morphing Composite Hydrogels” which she performs in CERMAV under the supervision of  Dr. Raphaël MICHEL (CNRS Researcher) and Pr. Rachel AUZELY-VELTY (Université Grenoble Alpes Professor) from the Team Structure and Modifications of Polysaccharides).

Claire REN and Pr. Rachel AUZELY-VELTY.
Claire REN.

Congratulations to Claire and her supervisors!