Bacterial polysaccharide lyase family 33: Specificity from an evolutionarily conserved binding tunnel
Eukaryotic organisms are the main producers of acidic glycans, which are involved in many biological processes. Bacteria have developed enzymes capable of degrading these complex sugars, polysaccharide lyases. This work focused on the biochemical and structural characterization of a family of these enzymes, PL33, and in particular revealed the proximity between PL33 and eukaryotic epimerases […]
Electrospinning of Cellulose Benzyl Carbamates for Enantioselective Membrane Filtration
In recent years, we have shown the potential of electrospun nanofibrous membranes made of polysaccharidic chiral selectors (CSs) for efficient chiral resolutions via filtrations. It is thus of great importance to expand the number of membranes made of various CSs for the resolution of a wide range of chiral compounds. In this article by Dr […]
A scalable and eco-friendly carbohydrate-based oleogelator for vitamin E controlled delivery
CERMAV’s A2G team has performed an eco-friendly chemistry to develop a sugar derivative enabling gelation of fatty phases. This work has a high impact on industrial applications, particularly in cosmetics. Abstract: « Supramolecular oleogels, in which low-molecular weight oleogelators self-assemble into various nanostructures through non-covalent interactions, have witnessed increasing research activity in various fields of science, […]
Alice GIBIINO’s thesis defense on December 16th, 2024
Alice GIBIINO completed her thesis entitled “Formation and Mechanical Properties of Biocompatible Self-Healing Hydrogels” under the direction of Laurent Orgeas (CNRS Research Director at the 3SR laboratory) and the co-supervision of Mehdi Bouzid (CNRS Research Officer at the 3SR laboratory) and Raphaël Michel (CNRS Research Officer at the Cermav laboratory). Abstract of her thesis : “Hydrogels […]
Alain Rivet is decorated with the collective crystal of the CNRS
Alain Rivet is decorated with the CNRS collective crystal for his participation in the implementation of electronic laboratory notebooks at the CNRS, during a ceremony that took place on November 12th, 2024 in Paris in the presence of Alain Schuhl, Deputy Director General for Science for CNRS. The CNRS electronic laboratory notebooks are a solution […]
Claire REN is awarded the “Best Oral Presentation” Prize at JEPO 2024
Claire REN, PhD student in CERMAV, was awarded the Best Oral Presentation Prize during the “Journées d’Etudes des Polymères” (JEPO) that took place from 7th-11th October 2024 in Autrans, France. Claire REN presented her work on the “Design of Biocompatible and Shape-morphing Composite Hydrogels” which she performs in CERMAV under the supervision of Dr. Raphaël […]
Maïté Michaud joins Cermav as a Lecturer from Université Grenoble Alpes
Maïté Michaud completed a PhD in Process Engineering from the University of Lyon 1 in December 2019. Her research, conducted at LAGEPP, focused on the study and modeling (COMSOL) of membrane crystallization on diffusion/reaction systems. Following this, she completed two post-doctorates at CP2M in Lyon from 2020 to 2022: (i) the first in industrial partnership […]
Thesis defense of Jia Hui Lim on November 12th, 2024
Jia Hui Lim completed her thesis at Cermav under the co-Direction of Yu OGAWA (CNRS Researcher) et de Yoshiharu Nishiyama (CNRS Research Director). Her thesis is entitled “Order and disorder in cellulose microfibrils”. Abstract: “Cellulose exists as crystalline microfibrils in various organisms. While the crystal structures of native cellulose are well established, less is known […]
Thesis defense of Steve NONO-TAGNE on October 31st, 2024
Steve NONO-TAGNE completed his thesis at Cermav under the co-Direction of Issei OTSUKA, CNRS Researcher, and Yoshiharu NISHIYAMA, CNRS Research Director. His thesis is entitled “Electrospinning of Cellulose Carbamates for Enantioselective Membrane Filtration”. Abstract : “Pure enantiomers such as drugs, are typically produced via asymmetric synthesis or chiral resolution. Asymmetric synthesis is costly, while chiral resolution […]
A receptor required for chitin perception facilitates arbuscular mycorrhizal associations and distinguishes root symbiosis from immunity
Leguminous plants are capable, by detecting chitin oligosaccharides emitted by microorganisms present in the soil, of triggering defensive (immune) responses or, conversely, beneficial (symbiotic) responses that allow them to better absorb nutrients (water, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). In this study, the authors demonstrated in the model legume Medicago truncatula that the receptor LYK8, by forming a […]
Thesis defense of Aïcha Abdallah on November 12th, 2024
Aïcha Abdallah carried out her thesis under the Direction of Sami HALILA, CNRS Research Director . Her thesis is entitled “Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Glycoamphiphiles Integrated in a Liquid-Crystal-Based Biosensor for Pathogen Lectin Detection”. This work investigates the development of novel Glycoamphiphiles (GAs) integrated into a Liquid Crystal (LC)-based biosensor to detect nosocomial infections and […]
Thesis defense of Josselin Mante on July 12th, 2024
Josselin Mante carried out his “Cifre thesis” at Cermav under the co-direction of Laurent Heux (CNRS Research Director) and Julien Leguy (CTO at FunCell). His thesis is entitled “Extraction, purification and characterization of natural polymers for the synthesis of mechanical reinforcement additives for cellulosic materials” and led to the filing of a patent application. This […]
AIS BIOTECH is one of the 100 start-ups to invest in, according to Challenges magazine in 2024 !
AIS Biotech celebrates its first year of existence, and has the honor of being one of the 100 start-ups to invest in, selected by Challenges magazine in 2024! AIS BIOTECH (for Anti Infective Sugar Biotech) is a start-up created in 2023 from the work of Cermav, granted by the CNRS, the University of Grenoble Alpes […]
Scientific and Technical Day of the Carnot Network – Biosourced Products for the Bioeconomy!
Come and meet Cermav on May 14th, 2024 at the Scientific and Technical Day of the Carnot network – Biosourced Products for the Bioeconomy The program was designed so that the Alliance’s Carnot scientific communities will identify future partners, better understand each other’s platforms and initiate inter-Carnot projects. Program: Registration: deadline: April 26th, […]
6th FBPOL2024 – French Brazilian Meeting on Polymers: Bridging Innovation and Collaboration in Polymer and Bio(Material) Science
After the great success and impact of previous editions, we are proud to announce the 6th Franco-Brazilian Meeting on Polymers, which will be held in Florianópolis – Brazil from April 21th to 26th, 2024. This sixth edition will bring together recognized scientists from France and Brazil with significant participation and contribution from eminent guest scientists […]
2024 PolyNat international industries forum
On February 1st and 2nd, 2024, the 6th edition of the PolyNat International Industries Forum was held in Grenoble. This annual international meeting brings together researchers from the Carnot PolyNat Institute (coordinated by Cermav) and companies gathered around the future of biosourced and eco-designed materials. These two days of meetings and exchanges were enlighted by […]
Redox-responsive maltoheptaose-b-polystyrene nanoparticles containing zinc phthalocyanine: Formulation, photophysical properties, release kinetic and toxicity
In this article by Sami Halila and Redouane Borsali, in collaboration with the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil) and the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, (China), we show that self-assembled biocompatible glyconanoparticles encapsulating zinc phthalocyanine photosensitive allow by the action of two different stimuli to release the active agent for photodynamic […]
Bernard Henrissat is elected member of the Academy of Sciences
At the end of the elections opened in 2023, the Academy of Sciences has just elected 18 new members, including our former colleague Bernard Henrissat in the “Chemical, biological and medical sciences, and their applications” division, chemistry section. CERMAV and the community are really proud of him ! Bernard Henrissat completed his doctorate thesis at Cermav. […]
Electrospun Cactus Mucilage/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanofibers as a Novel Wall Material for Dill Seed Essential Oil (Anethum graveolens L.) Encapsulation: Release and Antibacterial Activities
This study, a collaboration work with University of Sfax and Grenoble INP, aimed to create long-lasting molecular carriers by producing electrospun nanofibers from cactus mucilage and poly(vinyl alcohol) loaded with dill seed (Anethum graveolens L.) essential oil (DSEO). The electrospun nanofibers enabled controlled long-term release of DESO. The DSEO-containing nanofibers demonstrated bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities […]
Enantioselective membranes prepared by electrospinning of cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenyl carbamate) having various degrees of polymerization: effect of the DP on the morphology
Recently, we reported a proof of concept of enantioselective membrane filtration using a nonwoven membrane prepared by electrospinning of cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenyl carbamate) (CDMPC) synthesized from microcrystalline cellulose. In the present work, CDMPCs having higher degrees of polymerization were synthesized from cellulose fibers derived from hardwoods by a collaboration with Centre Technique du Papier granted by […]
Mini symposium Lyon : Glycomics and beyond….
Cermav will participate in the mini-symposium organized by Dr Petier Goekjan, on Friday December 8th, 2023 at the Batiment Lederer (ICBMS building, 1 rue Victor Grignard) on the Doua Campus, as part of the the ICL-funded visit of Prof. .Nicolas Pohl. Glycomics: Beyond the human glycome Program : Glycomics in Glycoscience will address some of the pending […]
Award ceremony for the 2023 Honoris Causa Doctorate diploma from UGA : Professor Wen-Chang Chen, Cermav collaborator !
On October 12th, 2023, the Honoris Causa 2023 Doctorate degree from Université Grenoble Alpes was awarded to our collaborator the Professor Wen-Chang Chen, Professor of chemical engineering at National Taiwan University. Professor Wen-Chang Chen’s journey was detailed on the occasion of this ceremony, and is available for reading on the event page: -causa-2023-1293643.kjsp . […]
Sugars, a new weapon against infections!
Glycobiology, the study of the biological functions of carbohydrates, is a field of research in its own right, which could one day lead to new treatments against infections. Anne Imberty, CNRS Research Director at Cermav, was interviewed in the CNRS journal on this topic, with Yann Guérardel as co-guest. The article is available here: […]
Lénaïc Soullard thesis defense on November 30th, 2023
The thesis, entitled “Synthesis of photosensitive cellulose derivates and development of hydrogels by additive manufacturing for the design of medical devices” , was directed by Bruno JEAN (CNRS Research Director at CERMAV, SPG team) and co-supervised by Sébastien ROLERE, Guillaume NONGLATON and Isabelle TEXIER-NOGUES, Research Engineers at CEA LETI. Abstract: “Innovative medical devices are increasingly […]