UPR 5301

AIS Biotech wins the i-LAB 2023 competition

The AIS BIOTECH start-up, resulting from the work of Cermav, is laureate of the i-Lab 2023 Competition of BPI France.

The national i-Lab competition is organized each year by BPI France. It was born from the desire of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research to strengthen support for the creation of innovative companies, to better support the development of start-ups and to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit, in particular among researchers and young people in higher education. Its objective are:
– to detect and bring out business creation projects based on innovative technologies;
– to promote the transfer of research results to the socio-economic world.

AIS Biotech is the 2023 winner in the Pharmacy and Biotechnology category, for the Glucoflu project led by Aurélie Juhem.

AIS Biotech was created this year following the historic work of Cermav in the field of glycosciences, which led to the development of technologies by Eric Samain and Emeline Richard Millot thanks to the support of CNRS and funding from SATT Linksium for the “GlycoFlu” project in collaboration with Manuel Rosa-Calatrava of the VIRPATH laboratory (CIRI International Center for Research in Infectiology in Lyon), specialist in respiratory viruses.

AIS Biotech aims to develop a new class of innovative biomedicines: anti-infective decoys, neutralizing viruses and other microbiological pathogens, and thus contribute to the permanent fight against existing or emerging infections at pandemic risk.

Collaborative research projects will be carried out between AIS Biotech and Cermav. We look forward to sharing them with you.

Congratulations to the team, as well as to all the 2023 winners!