Centre de recherches sur les macromolécules végétales
The CERMAV, a CNRS research unit (UPR 5301) celebrates its 55th anniversary in 2021. During more than half a century, five directors have succeeded each other and have been able to develop the axes of this research unit. The themes historically focused on cellulose and lignin, then on plant polysaccharides of economic importance (cellulose and starch) have diversified and now cover different areas of glycosciences, whether towards the synthesis or biosynthesis of biologically active oligosaccharides, the uses of biomass, nanocomposite materials or glycopolymers


News from Cermav
A revolutionary hyaluronic acid gel to simultaneously monitor and treat osteoarthritis
In an article published on its website, the CNRS Chemistry Institute highlights the work of Rachel Auzély-Velty, Professor at the Université Grenoble Alpes at Cermav,
Bacterial polysaccharide lyase family 33: Specificity from an evolutionarily conserved binding tunnel
Eukaryotic organisms are the main producers of acidic glycans, which are involved in many biological processes. Bacteria have developed enzymes capable of degrading these complex
Electrospinning of Cellulose Benzyl Carbamates for Enantioselective Membrane Filtration
In recent years, we have shown the potential of electrospun nanofibrous membranes made of polysaccharidic chiral selectors (CSs) for efficient chiral resolutions via filtrations. It
A scalable and eco-friendly carbohydrate-based oleogelator for vitamin E controlled delivery
CERMAV’s A2G team has performed an eco-friendly chemistry to develop a sugar derivative enabling gelation of fatty phases. This work has a high impact on
Alice GIBIINO’s thesis defense on December 16th, 2024
Alice GIBIINO completed her thesis entitled “Formation and Mechanical Properties of Biocompatible Self-Healing Hydrogels” under the direction of Laurent Orgeas (CNRS Research Director at the
Alain Rivet is decorated with the collective crystal of the CNRS
Alain Rivet is decorated with the CNRS collective crystal for his participation in the implementation of electronic laboratory notebooks at the CNRS, during a ceremony