UPR 5301

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Administration and Steering

The Cermav Administration and Steering department is attached to the Management team. We work in close collaboration with Cermav’s Director.

Our missions are described below.

1/ Management and steering of Cermav:

We are responsible for the coordination and the implementation of the Management’s administrative tasks, such as event planning, meeting organization, mail management, switchboards and archiving.
We organize and run the laboratory’s bodies (committees, commissions and councils, working groups), as well as events such as the laboratory days, the prospective days, social gatherings…
We elaborate and feed both dashboards and indicators of Cermav (for example related to applications to the calls for projects and our success rates, the publications and thesis defenses of Cermav, the technology transfer projects). We respond to surveys from CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes, Carnot Institute PolyNat the EUR CBH, LabEx ARCANE..


We managed transversal actions projects such as the Continuous Improvement Process, internal and external communication tools, sustainable development, and quality of life at work.
We are responsible for ensuring the links with CNRS (departments of the Délégation Alpes)  and the National Institute of Chemistry of CNRS  and Université Grenoble Alpes.

We participate in the network of administrative managers in Grenoble Alpes, and manage the link with the research and innovation ecosystem: Carnot Institute PolyNat, SATT Linksium, competitiveness clusters such as Axelera  …

2/ Human Ressources of Cermav:

The Human Ressources (« HR ») department is in charge of recruiting and welcoming permanent and non-permanent staff (contractual, PhD students, interns, guests…). From reception through career follow-up, the department follows both individual and collective management processes of the personnel. In addition, the HR department manages Cermav ‘s annual training plan and individual stafff training.

In compliance with the application of the deontological rules within the framework of the general regulation of data protection, concrete actions are set up within the laboratory to take into account this regulation.

Cermav HR department ensures the links with the HR departments of the CNRS Alps Delegation and the Université Grenoble Alpes, and follows up on common fields with them.

Our HR department provides a listening ear to all personnel, especially students, in the context of psychosocial risks (RPS).

Concerning the doctoral students of Cermav, a specific team has been created to help and support them during their thesis in addition to their Individual Follow-up Committee. The HR Department leads the team, carries out a personalized individual interview with each new PhD student, and then follows the progress of their thesis (roadmap, thesis monitoring committee, etc.).


3/ Financial and accounting management of Cermav:

The financial and accounting management department of Cermav is in charge of the preparation, implementation and control of the budget.
It manages all of Cermav’s expenses, including travel (missions), contractual obligations related to the teams and research platforms, in collaboration with :

Gestion finance

On a daily basis, the financial management and accounting department supports and advises the management team and all of the staff (technicians, engineers, researchers and teacher-researchers) in the research teams, research platforms and services, regarding :

  • their purchases,
  • their scientific events (conferences, seminars, …) organized by the members of the laboratory and
  • for all types of research contracts (ANR, European, foundation, regional, industrial, service provision, etc.): setting up, annual and multi-year follow-up and justification.

4/ Partnership and technology transfer:

We support Cermav’s staff in the engineering of their projects (administrative set-up, points of vigilance, etc.) and in the negotiation of contracts (scientific and financial annexes, contract principles), in collaboration with the services of the CNRS Alps Delegation and the Université Grenoble Alpes.

We detect innovations in the teams and advise the staff in the protection and technology transfer of their work. We support the projects managers in setting up and monitoring their (pre)maturation projects, technology transfer and start-up creation. We follow the hosting of and the collaborations with start-ups and organize the annual monitoring committee of Cermav start-ups.

Contacts :

General affairs, steering, human resources: direction@cermav.cnrs.fr

Financial and accounting management: gestion@cermav.cnrs.fr