« Conformable biocompatible conductive materials are increasingly sought for the development of bioelectronics. If additionally resorbable, they could serve for the design of transient implantable electronic devices, opening the way to new healthcare applications. Hyaluronan (HA) derivatives including sulfate and aminophenylboronic acid (PBA) groups (HAS-PBA) were therefore designed to serve as dopants of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy)thiophene (PEDOT). The optimized HA sulfation protocol allowed good control on polymer sulfation degree while minimizing polymer chain degradation. Sulfated HA was shown to be degradable in physiological conditions. A synergy was observed between the sulfate negative charges and the PBA aromatic groups promoting hydrophobic interactions and π-stacking between PEDOT and HAS-PBA, to boost the material conductivity that reached 1.6 ± 0.2 S/cm in physiological conditions. Moreover the PEDOT:HAS-PBA material was not cytotoxic and could be formulated for easy processing by inkjet printing, appearing as promising candidate for the design of soft transient electronics for in vivo applications. »
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Maxime Leprince a réalisé sa thèse au Cermav en collaboration avec le CEA-Leti (2021).
Elle est intitulée « Design of polysaccharide-based conductive inks and hydrogels for the development of controllably biodegradable bioelectronics devices » et est disponible en libre accès sur le site de HAL.