UPR 5301

Rapid access to discrete and monodisperse block co-oligomers from sugar and terpenoid toward ultrasmall periodic nanostructures

Nous venons de publier dans le journal Nature Communications Chemistry en collaboration avec nos collègues de Hokkaido Univ (Sapporo, Japon) une étude portant sur les copolymères à base de carbohydrates pour la nanolithographie - une avancée majeure (4nm de résolution) jamais atteint avant -

« Discrete block co-oligomers (BCOs) are gaining considerable attention due to their potential
to form highly ordered ultrasmall nanostructures suitable for lithographic templates. However,
laborious synthetic routes present a major hurdle to the practical application. Herein, we
report a readily available discrete BCO system that is capable of forming various selfassembled
nanostructures with ultrasmall periodicity. Click coupling of propargylfunctionalized
sugars (containing 1–7 glucose units) and azido-functionalized terpenoids
(containing 3, 4, and 9 isoprene units) afforded the discrete and monodisperse BCOs with a
desired total degree of polymerization and block ratio. These BCOs microphase separated
into lamellar, gyroid, and cylindrical morphologies with the domain spacing (d) of 4.2–7.5 nm.
Considering easy synthesis and rich phase behavior, presented BCO systems could be highly
promising for application to diverse ~4-nm nanofabrications. »

L’article est disponible ici: https://www.nature.com/articles/s42004-020-00385-y